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Lists Of Topics In Python

I will categorise Python topics in three sections as we learn and progress. Here is the list of topics:

Python Fundamentals and Programming

  • Introduction to Python.
  • Strings, Lists, and Tuples.
  • Dictionaries and Sets.
  • Conditional Execution and Loops.
  • Comprehensions.
  • Functions.
  • Modules.
  • Scopes and namespaces.

Intermediate Python

  • File Handling.
  • Object-Oriented Programming.
  • Iterator, Generator, and Decorators.
  • Lambda Expressions.
  • Regular Expression.

Advanced Python

  • Writing Library.
  • Building Framework.
  • Python C Extensions (C code in Python).
  • Closure, Function Factory, and Method Chaining.
  • Exception Handling and Context Manager.
  • Metaclasses, Introspection.
  • Multithreading, Multiprocessing.
  • Python in Java (Java Dynamic Language Support).
  • Python in C# (C# Dynamic Language Support).

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